Cosmos and its SDK


Learn to build custom blockchains and dApps with Cosmos SDK, a modular toolkit enabling interoperability, scalability, and ease of use for developers.

Welcome to our course on Cosmos SDK!

For those not already aware, Cosmos is an ecosystem of interconnected, independent blockchain networks known as the “Internet of Blockchains”. It’s designed to solve the interoperability issue in the blockchain space.

Cosmos achieves interoperability by using a technology called the Inter- Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, which allows blockchains to securely send and receive tokens from one another.

The Cosmos network also uses the Tendermint consensus algorithm, which is a type of Proof of Stake consensus that provides fast and secure consensus without sacrificing decentralization.

Cosmos also brought forward its own SDK (Software Development Kit), a toolkit for building custom blockchain applications on top of the Cosmos Network, allowing developers to easily create new blockchains and decentralized applications with a range of functionalities!

Now, let’s begin with our first tool of our toolbox: The Software Development Kit →

Modular Blockchains

For developers looking to create decentralized applications (dApps) on the Cosmos Network, the Cosmos SDK is a powerful resource. The Software Development Kit, or SDK, offers a set of instruments, libraries, and modules that make it simple for programmers to build and maintain their own blockchain networks.

The Cosmos SDK’s modular architecture is one of its standout qualities. As a result, developers are no longer required to use a one-size-fits-all solution but can instead pick and choose the modules they want to use for their project. The Cosmos SDK includes various modules, some of which are:

  • Consensus engine: This component is used to reach consensus regarding the blockchain’s current state. It makes sure that all network users are in sync with one another and that transactions are legitimate.
  • The staking module: Users can stake their tokens in this module to verify transactions and receive rewards. This is a crucial component of many blockchain networks because it enhances network security and encourages user participation Aka Proof of Stake.
  • Governance module : This module allows users to vote on proposals to change the parameters of the network. This is important for ensuring that the network is able to adapt and evolve over time.
  • Inter-blockchain communication module : This module allows different blockchains built with the Cosmos SDK to communicate with each other. This is important for creating a decentralized ecosystem where different dApps and blockchain networks can interact with each other.
  • Token module: This module allows developers to create and manage their own digital assets. This is an important feature for many dApps, as it allows developers to create their own tokens for use within their application.

Further into the SDK

The Cosmos SDK is written in Go, a programming language that is known for its performance, stability, and ease of use. This makes it easy for developers to create high-performance dApps that can scale to handle a large number of users.

The Cosmos SDK is also compatible with other programming languages that can interact with Go, such as JavaScript, Python, and Rust.

The Cosmos SDK is a powerful and flexible tool that makes it easy for developers to create and manage their own blockchain networks. The SDK’s modular design allows developers to choose which features they want to use, while the Go programming language ensures that their dApps will be fast and reliable.

The interoperability feature of the SDK is also important for creating a decentralized ecosystem where different dApps and blockchain networks can interact with each other.

KYVE Built with the Cosmos SDK

When building KYVE, our team faced limitations of scalability and flexibility with our previous chain-base solution (EVM); therefore, we evaluated many different options and came to the conclusion that launching our own Layer 1 with the Cosmos SDK was the best fit.

We made the decision to switch to a Cosmos SDK-based chain not only because it fits our scalability, transaction volume, and independent block space requirements, but also because the Cosmos application building toolkit makes it easy to scaffold chains, create blocks, carry out transactions and carry out governance. It enables KYVE to have faster, more streamlined block times and we no longer have to worry about sharing block space.

By finding this new flexibility with the Cosmos SDK, we were able to bring on many new features and adapt KYVE to best solve the data infrastructure issues we are targeting.


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