Decentralized Storage: Discovering Arweave and Filecoin


Learn about decentralized storage solutions Arweave and Filecoin, their differences, and how KYVE leverages them for decentralized data use cases.

In this course, learn all about two popular decentralized storage solutions: Arweave and Filecoin, their differences and similarities, as well as how KYVE can use them to open doors to decentralized data use cases.

To start, what is decentralized storage?

Decentralized storage solutions are a type of distributed storage system where data is stored across multiple nodes in a network, rather than being controlled by a single central authority.

The key idea behind decentralized storage is to allow for greater security, privacy, and reliability compared to traditional centralized storage solutions. Two popular decentralized storage solutions are Arweave and Filecoin.

Without further ado, let’s get to learning! →


Arweave is a blockchain-based storage network that uses a new type of data structure called a blockweave to store data. The blockweave is a permanent and tamper-proof data structure that allows for the storage of large amounts of data in a decentralized manner.

The network uses a cryptocurrency called the $AR token as a means of payment for storage and retrieval of data.

One of the key features of Arweave is its ability to store data permanently, which is enabled by the use of a unique consensus algorithm called the Proof of Access (PoA). PoA ensures that data stored on the network is always available, even if the original node storing the data goes offline.

This makes Arweave a good option for long-term data storage such as historical records, scientific data, and more.


Filecoin , on the other hand, is a decentralized storage network that uses a cryptocurrency $FIL to incentivize users to contribute their storage space to the network. The network is built on the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), which allows for the storage and retrieval of files in a decentralized manner.

It uses a consensus algorithm called Proof of Replication (PoRep) and Proof of Spacetime (PoSt) to ensure the integrity and availability of the files stored on the network. PoRep is used to ensure that data is being stored as promised by storage providers, while PoSt is used to ensure that data is being stored over a certain period of time.

Filecoin’s network also has built-in mechanisms for data recovery, which allows for the reconstruction of lost or corrupted data.

This is accomplished by storing multiple copies of each file on the network, and by using erasure coding to enable the reconstruction of files from a subset of their fragments.

How KYVE Leverages Decentralized Storage Solutions

In summary, Arweave and Filecoin are both two great decentralized storage solutions that aim to provide a more secure, reliable, and cost-effective alternative to traditional centralized storage systems.

Both networks use their own cryptocurrency as a means of payment for storage and retrieval of data. Arweave’s key feature is its ability to store data permanently while Filecoin’s key feature is the use of PoRep and PoSt for data integrity and availability.

KYVE is storage agnostic , meaning that it enables its data users to choose which storage platform the data is stored on to. You can think of KYVE as a middle layer, fetching the data and validating it in a decentralized way, then leveraging storage experts for properly storing the data.

Seeing that KYVE is open-source, there is also the possibility of creating your own data storage connection. However, we aim to make KYVE as user- friendly as possible.

With KYVE’s first main use case was blockchain archiving, it was imperative that we provide an immutable, or, permanent storage solution. That is why, currently, KYVE stores its data onto Arweave.

However, not all use cases require permanent storage. Some might value more Filecoin’s storage features. Therefore, once mainnet launches, KYVE aims to partner with other decentralized storage solutions in order to provide as many efficient options as possible. Better stay tuned for these announcements!

Conclusion & Resources

Congratulations! You made it through KYVE’s course on Decentralized Storage Solutions!

Want to learn more? Feel free to check these resources:

  • Visit KYVE Docs to learn more about the KYVE data storage.
  • Learn more about Arweave and Filecoin.
  • Run into any terms marked with * that you’re not aware of? Visit the KYVE Glossary to learn what they mean!

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